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Monthly Idol: How To Make Our First Idolgroup Successful?

If our first group is successful, we will be able to avoid bankruptcy. In addition, if our group is successful, we will be able to hold concerts with a larger audience capacity, make a lot of money and we will be able to create more groups in the future. To be able to make our group successful, do the things below. 1. Get Lots of Fans To be able to make our group successful, we need lots of fans. We need idols with PP/ PP+ fan rank to be able to make our idolgroup successful. Here is how to get a lot of fans. A. Save your gems If you have saved as many as 10.000 gems, do the casting by paying using the gems that you have saved. You will get an idol with A to SS rank. The idols that you get will be very useful when you form an idolgroup because that idol will bring quite a lot of fans and will make a music album that your idolgroup makes it easier to top the music charts. B. Cast using your coins If you don't have enough gems, you can cast by using your coins. But i...
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Monthly Idol: What Benefits Can We Get When We Increase The Intimacy of Our Idols?

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Monthly Idol: What Can Reduce Your Idol's Passion?

Sudden Event If a sudden event is something bad, it will reduce some of your idol's passion even though it might increase your fans by a few percent. Keep Doing Schedules This will reduce your idol's passion a bit. Exhausted if you keep doing schedules, concerts or trainings without regard to your idol's HP or do a schedule in which your idol's HP is low, your idol will be hospitalized and your idol's passion will decrease. Lose The Contest in Idol Star Field Day Idol star field day is held every second and ninth month of the year. If you lose, your idol’s passion will decrease by 10. Concert Settlement if you set the concert settlement rasio to 4:6, 3:7, 2:8, or 1:9, your idol's passion will decrease a lot.

Monthly Idol: How To Increase Idol’s Passion

Album Sales I f your idol’s album has topped the album sales charts for 4 week, your idol’s passion will increase by 10. Buy Pills in The Food Shop If you have 1 BG, you can buy the pill in the food shop. The pill will increase your idol’s passion by 30. Win The Contest in Idol Star Field Day Idol star field day is held every second and ninth month of the year. If you win, you will get some fans, exp, gems and your idol’s passion will increase by 10-30. Concert Settlement Rasio if you set the concert settlement rasio to 6:4,   it will increase some of your idol’s passion.

Types of Dogs Commonly Used as Guard Dogs

Dobermann Dobermans are working group dogs, one group with rottweilers (referring to the American Kennel Club (AKC)). Dobermann was originally bred by Herr Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann in 1870, who came from a breeding of superior breeders in ancient times. In the world of police, Dobermann is one of the dogs that are highly favored. If there are strangers or objects that try to enter its territory, this dog does not hesitate to attack. Dobermann has perfect physical characteristics, is 63-72 cm tall and weighs 32-45 kg. The proportion of the body looks more square and compact. Its fur is black and brown with firm rust red marking. These dogs include medium-sized breeds, strong and muscular, and obedient and likes to move. Its elegant, graceful, vibrant appearance and confident expression make this dog ideal for guard dogs. Herder Based on the American Kennel Club (AKC) standard, german shepherd or better known as herder dog is a type of herding dog. This br...

Jenis Jenis Anjing yang Biasa Dijadikan Anjing Penjaga

Dobermann Dobermann merupakan anjing jenis working group, satu kelompok dengan anjing jenis rottweiler (mengacu pada American Kennel Club (AKC)). Dobermann awalnya dibiakkan oleh Herr Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann pada tahun 1870, yang berasal dari silangan indukan jenis-jenis unggul pada zaman dahulu. Dalam dunia kepolisian, dobermann merupakan salah satu anjing yang sangat diunggulkan. Jika ada orang asing atau benda yang mencoba memasuki teritorialnya, anjing ini tidak segan-segan untuk menyerang. Dobermann memiliki karakteristik fisik yang sempurna, tingginya 63-72 cm dan beratnya 32-45 kg. Proporsi badannya lebih terlihat bujur sangkar dan kompak. Bulunya berwarna hitam dan cokelat dengan marking berwarna merah karat yang tegas. Anjing ini termasuk jenis berukuran sedang, bertubuh kuat dan kekar, serta penurut dan gemar beraktivitas. Tampilannya elegan,anggun, bersemangat dan ekspresinya yang penuh keyakinan menjadikan anjing ini sangat ideal untuk dijadikan anj...

Monthly Idol: How to Increase Your Idol's Concept Point / Stats Faster

Level up and use your idol home’s furniture Click on the shop option.   Then, click on the furniture option. If your idol’s home reachs max level, the furniture will increase your idol’s stats by 100. The living room boost your idol’s coolness. The kitchen increases the cuteness of your idol. The bathroom increases the prettiness of your idol. The rooms increase the sexiness of your idol. You can have five rooms if the level of your idol home has reached max level. Buy the SNS You can buy the SNS for 300 gems. If your idol’s follower at SNS has increased, your idol will get concept point. Use your fan’s gift item You can get fan gifts randomly after you complete the schedule. if you get the same prize (the fan’s gift that you already have), the status of the concept points from your fan's gift will level up. The way to use your fan’s gift is: first, place your fan’s gift in one of the rooms in your idol home by click on the interior option. ...