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Girl Group Inc: Love Kpop ldol : How To Get Money

There are several ways to get money in this game:
1. Concert
To increase the number of concert audience we can broadcast on vapp so that the number of fans increases and also we can upgrade concert buildings

2. Goods sales
We can increase the number of fans and upgrade the building to get quite a lot of sales

3. Audition
To be able to audition several times we can increase the stamina of the idol by train the idol at the fitness center

4. Casting
We can get money and increase the number of fans by doing casting

5. Daily login reward
We can get various kinds of rewards by login every day, including game money

6. Album
To increase album sales we can level up the idol skills according to the position of each idol. We also have to pay attention to combos of album genres and concepts

To be able to make a solo album several times we must increase shareholder trust. We can answer interviews correctly and complete shareholder mission to increase shareholder trust

To increase overseas album sales we can level up branch building and hire staff with high levels, and also increase the number of international fans


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