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11 Facts about Quetzalcoatlus Dinosaur

Quetzalcoatlus is a Pterosaur, once the largest flying animal in history. The largest wingspan is 12 meters (as big as propeller-engined aircraft). Its life is approximately around the coast, because of the shape of its beak which makes it possible to catch fish.

Some Quetzalcoatlus facts are as follows:
  1. Has a very long and pointy beak.
  2. Quetzalcoatlus has a crown, but the exact shape and size is unknown.
  3. The first fossil giant reptile pilot was found in Texas, USA, in 1971.
  4. Initially Quetzalcoatlus was thought to walk upright, with wings folded behind. But now it is believed that he walked with his legs and wings.
  5. Quetzalcoatlus neck length reaches 2, 4 m.
  6. These animals live in the interior and possibly search for food in lakes and rivers.
  7. Carcasses.
  8. Quetzalcoatlus foreleg bones are also longer than other pterosaurs. So, even though he cannot run, he is a nimble pedestrian.
  9. Having sharp eyesight.
  10. Quetzalcoatlus's clawed legs indicate that he lives in groups like birds, who hang to the side to perch.
  11. Quetzalcoatlus height reaches 7 m.


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